“Poor Sleep and Stress Are the Cancer of the 21st Century” According to Doctors

Matthew R.

Health Science Editor


We live in paradoxical times,” begins Dr. Emily Harper, MD, a neurologist and sleep medicine expert with over 20 years of experience.

On one hand, we know more about our health than ever before and have access to the best medicine. 

Yet, diagnoses of various health conditions have skyrocketed.

Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, and respiratory illnesses are more frequent than ever before.

Did you know that heart disease and cancer are the top two causes of death in the United States? These two causes alone account for almost 40% of total deaths.

Additionally, sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, parasomnia, narcolepsy, and restless leg syndrome are on the rise.

I’ve just seen research indicating that 2 in 3 Americans report sleeping either more or less than desired for various reasons,” notes Dr. Harper.

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These sleep problems are not isolated issues. In fact, they can be both a cause and consequence of other health conditions.

Luckily, many people have found a solution to improve their sleep quality, but before we delve into that, it's crucial to understand the problem at hand.

Nearly 50% of the World Is at Risk of Severe Health Consequences From Poor Sleep

Poor sleep is an epidemic.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) reports that at least 1 in 3 US adults has symptoms of insomnia.

It may not sound like a scary number until you learn about the possible consequences of poor sleep,” warns Dr. Harper.

Here are just a couple of examples:

  • Sleep apnea is closely associated with obesity, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • Poor sleep can disrupt normal physiological functions, contributing to conditions like hypertension, heart disease, and stroke.
  • Sleep disorders can affect hormone regulation, leading to disruptions in metabolism and appetite control, contributing to weight gain, insulin resistance, and an increased risk of diabetes and obesity.
Sleep Conditions

I often show my patients the chart above. 

It’s not to scare them but to ensure we’re on the same page. 

Fixing your sleep isn’t just about waking up well-rested or looking better in the morning.

As a doctor, I care about reducing your risk of heart attack, diabetes, cancer, and other complications poor sleep can lead to,” states Dr. Harper.

“Most People Don’t Even Know Their Poor Sleep Is ALREADY Causing Damage”

One of the main problems is that many people don’t take their sleep issues seriously.

A common approach is just trying to wait the symptoms out, hoping they don’t get worse…

Unfortunately, by the time the situation worsens, it’s often too late to do something.

Sleep Hospital

I often hear from my patients that they weren’t acting because they thought it’s just how their body works.

You wouldn’t believe how many times I’ve heard, ‘I snore, but that’s just how my body works,’ or ‘Yes, it takes 30-40 minutes for me to fall asleep, but I have a colleague who takes 2 hours, so I’m still fine in comparison.’

But even the smallest changes in your sleep routine can be alarming signs that something bigger — and much worse — is happening with your body right now,” explains Dr. Harper.

Symptoms below can be signs of poor sleep, so pay attention if you recognize any of them in your life:

  • Insomnia
  • Snoring
  • Narcolepsy (suddenly falling asleep or feeling extremely sleepy during the day)
  • Sleep apnea (regular pauses in breathing while sleeping)
  • Difficulty waking up in the morning
  • Frequent headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Lowered immune response
  • Frequent waking during the night

If any of these sound familiar to you, don’t panic. 

There’s a way to quickly and easily fix that, and I’m about to share it,” says Dr. Harper.

Thousands Turned Their Health Around With This Method

I’m going to talk about reflexology here. 

You may have heard of this practice before, especially if you were looking into ways to improve your sleep quality. 

In fact, it’s so effective that even the military uses it to help soldiers fall asleep more easily in stressful environments,” explains the neurologist.

Reflexology involves applying pressure to specific points on the body, stimulating relaxation, and improving sleep quality.

By stimulating reflex points linked to the brain, pineal gland, and nervous system, reflexology can help balance the release of hormones like melatonin, crucial for healthy sleep.

In addition to improving sleep quality, reflexology may offer other health benefits, such as pain relief, reduced stress and anxiety, enhanced circulation, and improved nerve function.

The best part is that to perform reflexology, you primarily need your hands and a willingness to learn the proper techniques. 

However, for enhanced and long-lasting effects, more than simple hand manipulations are required.

That’s why one company has made this practice easily accessible to everyone, and it’s quickly gaining popularity across America.

The Secret To Healthy Sleep

Designed by top sleep specialists, the Derila memory foam pillow combines reflexology principles with the science of ergonomic sleep. 

Its unique design promotes proper body alignment and helps stimulate reflex points, making it easier for anyone to fall asleep and stay asleep.

The pillow and the mattress are the only two things we use 100% of the time when we sleep. 

That’s why something that we take for granted, like a pillow, can make a world of difference,” explains Dr. Harper.

Derila pillows have an unusual form compared to standard rectangular ones. This design promotes proper body alignment and stimulates reflex points, improving sleep quality, meaning you:

  • Fall asleep faster
  • Reduce snoring
  • Feel much better rested in the morning
  • Stay in deep sleep phases longer, reducing mid-night wake-ups

Due to the special neck support and shoulder fixation areas, the Derila pillow also helps to relieve back pain as well as relax neck and shoulder muscles.

This will be especially useful for two categories of people,” shares Dr. Harper.

First, if you have an active (or standing) job or are engaged in sports, putting pressure on your back and neck muscles throughout the day. 

Second, if you have a sedentary job, you might be surprised to learn that sitting puts even more pressure on the back compared to standing.

The material used in Derila’s memory foam is non-allergenic, breathable, and has a “cooling effect.” 

This means that when summer comes, you won’t have to keep flipping the pillow, looking for the “cold side.”

Unfortunately, the Derila Memory Foam Pillow is out of stock now. Sorry for the inconvenience but they say they’re doing their best to meet the increasing demand in the US.


Great news! The Derila Memory Foam Pillow is finally back in stock!

With the current demand, we estimate that we may run out of stock in 3 days. You don’t deserve any more bad nights, so secure the offer today and start enjoying peaceful sleep at night, relieving your snoring and morning discomfort.

WARNING: As Derila gains popularity, counterfeit products are on the rise. To ensure your safety and satisfaction, we strongly recommend purchasing your Derila pillow exclusively at our official website.


How Is Derila Better From Other Sleep Aids? How Can the Reception Be Overwhelmingly Positive?

Yes, there are many different aids to improve your sleep. The thing is that they are not equally good.

Derila stands out from other sleep aids for several reasons:

  • Safe and long-lasting: Unlike sleeping pills, which can be addictive, have side effects, and only help while you take them, Derila offers a safe and lasting solution.
  • Comfortable: Heavy blankets can be too hot, especially in warmer seasons, but Derila's memory foam keeps you cool.
  • Convenient: Sleep hygiene practices can require significant lifestyle changes, but using Derila requires almost no effort on your part.
  • Affordable: Getting a Derila pillow is much cheaper than replacing your mattress or constantly paying for sleeping pills. 
  • Durable: Made with high-quality materials, Derila is built to last, maintaining its shape and effectiveness over time, unlike many other pillows on the market.

The Reviews Speak for Themselves – if You Want Better Health – Derila Is the Answer

Good sleep is key to good health, and eventually to a good life,” Dr. Emily Harper sums up in one sentence.

Bad sleep — which often comes with symptoms like snoring, insomnia, or daily fatigue — can lead to much more serious health issues like cancer, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease.

This may result in you spending thousands on fixing your health issues while not addressing the root of the problem.

Modern medicine offers many ways to improve your sleep quality, but one of the easiest is to finally get a good pillow. And if you’re looking for one, the Derila pillow has a lot to offer:

Thousands of people have already improved their sleep and life quality with the Derila pillows, so why not join them?

Many people have already experienced the benefits of Derila, and the reviews speak for themselves. This surge in popularity is partly due to features in popular media:

With a special 70% discount, stock is flying off the shelves, and it may not be available in America for much longer.

Don’t miss out on the chance to improve your sleep and overall health.

Arnold J.
Five stars

The pillow looks weird but it helps me get better sleep and feels so comfortable under my neck. I measure my sleep with an Apple Watch and I've been getting better deep sleep with this pillow.

Catherine Y.
Five stars

In just 5 days I found a quality of sleep that I hadn't had for over 30 years. No more fatigue when getting up and no more neck pain. The adaptation takes place over at least 3 days but the result exceeds my expectations. THANKS

Maria T.
Five stars

Great results, skeptical at first as I was getting tired from trying different pillows throughout the year. I was pleasantly surprised to wake up feeling well-rested – I hadn't slept that well in a while, and the snoring subsided too! Thank you.

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