Is Snoring A Sign Of Failing Health? The Answer May Cause Concern

Sleep Expert Ryan Myers

Snoring, long treated as a minor nuisance, is connected to a range of serious health problems. 

Johns Hopkins Medicine estimates that 45% of adults snore, yet few know the consequences of this disruptive sleep behavior. 

Many try to ignore snoring, assuming no harm is done.

It’s only after years of persistently bad sleep or diagnosis of a relevant health issue that most will take action to reduce their snoring. 

By then, much damage is already done. 

However, a new solution is rapidly gaining traction after receiving strong approval from the medical community, wellness experts, and social media. 

Consequences of Ignoring Snoring

Snoring receives only a fraction of attention in sleep research despite being linked to many alarming conditions

Thankfully, researchers are gradually paying more attention to this often misunderstood breathing issue. 

Yes—snoring is a breathing problem, not just an annoying sound. As you might assume, difficulty breathing is associated with a range of medical issues. 

Much of the scientific community’s understanding of these risks is thanks to Professor Elio Lugaresi, the first to propose a connection between snoring and cardiovascular disease in his 1975 peer-reviewed study, simply named Snoring. 

In his groundbreaking revelation, he described how snoring is a symptom of a much bigger issue:

“It is probable that, over a period of years, this… situation has adverse effects on the cardiac muscle.”

In lay terms, the factors that cause snoring also strain the heart.

Further exploration by Lugaresi and countless other researchers consistently confirmed these findings and discovered additional risks.

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To barely scratch the surface on decades of research, studies have shown that:

  • Snorers sleep fewer hours and lack sleep more often than non-snorers
  • Snorers are more likely to fall asleep while driving or develop a depressive disorder than non-snorers
  • Snoring is associated with increased cardiovascular disease and “... most other common chronic medical conditions”
  • Those who report snoring and daytime sleepiness are at significantly higher risk of cardiovascular events (heart attack, heart failure, etc.)

The Most Common Cause of Snoring You Didn’t Know


Snoring is associated with a variety of personal and external factors, but one cause applies to everyone—incorrect sleeping posture

While many are familiar with the muscle pain and tension from sleeping in the wrong position, many are unaware that how you sleep also affects how you breathe. 

Bad sleeping posture forces your body to work harder to breathe and circulate blood, leading to cardiovascular strain and, you guessed it… snoring. 

If you’re thinking, “Great, I can’t even sleep right,” just know it’s not your fault. Traditional sleeping arrangements aren’t ergonomic

We’ve been set up to snore by mattresses and pillows that misalign our bodies. 

But don’t worry, you won’t need to renovate your bedroom to fix this problem. 

The Solution that Went Viral After Medical Community Endorsements

What started with one physician’s social media post quickly gained worldwide renown. Doctors all over the world began recommending this new solution to patients with sleeping and snoring problems. 

As more health experts tested the product, stories of its success spread. More and more people continued to achieve quality sleep, muscle relaxation, and no more snoring.

Even news outlets started picking up on the movement and its potential to end snoring for good. Demand exploded so quickly that it became quite difficult to get your hands on it. 

The groundbreaking solution? 

A pillow. 

A Simple Pillow Helped Thousands Stop Snoring?

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Well, yes and no. 

It’s true that using a Derila pillow was enough to help thousands achieve better sleep and stop snoring… but to call it simple is perhaps an understatement. 

Before hitting the market, this butterfly-shaped pillow was in development for over two years with a massive team of sleep researchers! 

That time was spent designing the ideal shape to match the body’s orthopedic contours, working with scientists to ensure no harmful chemicals were used, and experimenting with breathable and odor-free materials.

The result: a pillow that provides personalized ergonomic support, properly aligns our body, and keeps us cool and comfortable while we sleep.

To contextualize why this innovation was so influential—the treatments people pursue to cure their snoring include invasive oral devices, uncomfortable (and sometimes harmful) CPAP machines, and surgery. 

Yet this simple solution effectively eliminated snoring for many who tried it. Public response has been overwhelmingly positive!

Sophia A.
Five stars

I have struggled with snoring for years, and nothing seemed to work until I tried the Derila pillow. The moment I started using it, my snoring significantly reduced, and my partner couldn't be happier. It's incredibly comfortable and provides excellent neck support, ensuring I sleep in the optimal position.

Hannah J.
Five stars

I was skeptical about whether a pillow could really help with snoring, but the Derila pillow proved me wrong. From the first night, I noticed it supports my head and neck perfectly, promoting better breathing. It was the best investment!

Liam C.
Five stars

I used to snore loudly and wake up feeling exhausted. This pillow provides just the right amount of support to keep my airways clear. It's incredibly comfortable and has a nice, supportive shape. I love that I can finally sleep through the night without disturbing my partner.

What makes Derila so effective?

The concept of an ergonomic pillow seems so simple, so obvious.

While the concept is simple, it’s proven quite tricky to get right.

Let’s start by examining why traditional pillows are a problem. 

Whether they’re stuffed with feathers, cotton, or memory foam—most pillows are essentially formless blobs. This basic shape isn’t designed for our orthopedic needs and actually causes damage. 

Classic pillows either:

1. Don’t support your head, allowing it to tilt back and pinch the neck, or;

2. Provide too much support, pushing your head and neck into an unnatural curve.

In both cases—your airway is restricted because your head, neck, shoulders, and spine are out of alignment.

To their credit, other companies have tried their hands at developing orthopedic-friendly pillows, but each had unfortunate flaws.

First, almost all “ergonomic” pillows are designed exclusively for sleeping on your back. According to Hopkins Medicine, sleeping on your back is more likely to cause snoring and sleep apnea, recommending sleeping on your side or stomach to help keep your airway open. 

The Derila pillow is specifically designed to accommodate your preferred sleeping position, whether it’s your back, side, or stomach.

Another key factor is that traditional orthopedic pillows use memory foam alone, failing to account for heat absorption with any cooling technology. 

This can quickly cause uncomfortable heat and sweating, potentially ruining your chances of catching any “Z”s. 

Derila combines memory foam with breathable material and a silk cover to keep you cool and comfortable.

Even more masterful—the “butterfly” design is informed by reflexology, carefully shaped to alleviate tension across pressure points and distribute your head’s weight comfortably.

Will Derila Work For You Or Your Loved One? 

Everyone’s bodies are different, so it’s impossible (or at least irresponsible) to make any sweeping generalizations.

However, Derila’s design is informed by best scientific practices regarding orthopedic, musculoskeletal, and cardiovascular health. 

That all sounds great, at least in theory, but I had to try it myself to see if it lived up to the hype. 

Having long struggled with snoring and waking up with tense muscles and pinched nerves, I had nothing to lose (literally, they even offered a money-back guarantee).

I was pleasantly surprised. Shocked, even! 

It shipped remarkably fast, and I noticed a difference on the very first night. For the first time in years, I woke up without any new neck, shoulder, or back pain. 


A week in, I noticed my most persistent pain areas were gradually alleviating, and I felt more comfortable sitting and standing for long periods during the day. 

After a full month of restful sleep and waking up pain-free, I knew I’d never part ways with my Derila. To this day, it hasn’t lost its shape or become any less supportive. 

Waking up well-rested and without pain even improved my general mood. I’ve never been a morning person, but waking up early is much more tolerable without a headache or muscle strain. 

So, I can’t say with certainty if Derila is the snoring solution for you or your loved ones, but here are the symptoms most likely to show improvement:

  • Chest pain
  • Headaches
  • Daytime tiredness
  • Waking up agitated
  • Impaired concentration or memory
  • High blood pressure
  • Restless sleep
  • Muscle tension
  • Snoring

At the end of the day, there’s only one way to find out if Derila is the sleep solution for you—visit the official website.

PLEASE NOTE: Derila’s success has led to many imitators with designs that look similar but lack the science-backed testing and materials that make Derila actually work. 

The only place you should shop for a Derila pillow is on the official website to make sure you get the genuine model. 

At the time of this article, Derila is even offering 70% off the normal price for a limited time

If you struggle with snoring, poor sleep, or pain, I highly recommend you check out the Derila website for more information.

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