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Improves body alignment during sleep, reducing the strain on your spine

Maintains an optimal body temperature, helping you improve sleep quality

Molds to your body's unique shape, making it perfect for anyone

A Good Alignment Pillow Will Drastically Improve Your Sleep Quality

If you've ever waken up extremely tired and stiff, then you know that something is wrong with your current pillow. Derila could be the solution to your problems.

Derila is made from advanced memory foam, that is not only meant to improve your sleep posture but also molds to accommodate your body's specific sleeping position. That way you can sleep in any position you want depending on which one you find the most comfortable that night.

Wake Up Re-Energized And Rejuvenated

We all hate the feeling of waking up incurably stiff with our bodies aching all over. Derila will help you improve your sleeping posture, which will take the pressure off of your muscles and joints.

If you are physically active, then you know how important it is to get a good night's sleep. With Derila, you can improve the quality of your sleep, which will improve muscle recovery

Derila makes sure that your restless nights are over. It will help you start waking up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

A Pillowcase That Keeps You Cool At Night

Designed to Give You A Cool Sleep Even Through The Hottest Nights

A Pillow For All Season

Helps Your Body Maintain The Perfect Temperature, Throughout Every Season

Breathable and Removable Pillowcase

  • Crisp and Cozy Fabric
  • Easy to Clean and Removable
  • Healthy, Skin-friendly and Odorless
  • Your Best Sleeping Companion in Hot Summer
  • Offers You the Ultimate Cooling Sleeping Experience
Heat Absorbing Pillowcase
Cooling, Breathing & soft
Soft and Comfortable
Pleasant Cooling Effect
Zipper for Easy
Washing and Adjustment

Wake Up Full Of Energy Ready For A New Day

Derila naspram standardnih jastuka

Standardni jastuci

Tradicionalni jastuci nisu napravljeni da pruže potporu, što znači da vaša kičma završava u neprirodnom položaju – što često rezultira bolovima, nelagodom i lošim spavanjem.

Derila jastuk za potporu

Derila jastuk za potporu

Derila koristi naprednu tehnologiju memorijske pene za ispravljanje i potporu kičmi u njenom prirodnom položaju, smanjujući bol i poboljšavajući san.

High Quality Pillowcase For Everyday Use

Stain Protection Technology, Machine Washable & More!

Stain Protection Technology

High-Quality Zipper

Good Breathability

Machine Washable

Join 1000+ customers and wake up ready to take on the world

Take The Strain Off Of Your Body - Revolutionize Your Sleep

Take The Strain Off Of Your Body - Revolutionize Your Sleep

Derila will revolutionize your sleep by improving your sleep quality. If you're used to waking up tired, and stiff, then the technology behind Derila can help you.

Derila is made of advanced memory foam that not only supports your body and spine, but it also adapts to your specific shape. This means that your weight will be evenly distributed which will take the strain off of your shoulders, back, and neck.

Customers who use Derila report less muscle discomfort and tension, improved snoring, and the ability to get up and face the day with a smile.

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Improve Your Sleep Quality And Start Getting A Good Night's Sleep

Često postavljana Pitanja

P: Da li će ovo pomoći kod bolova u leđima i vratu?

A: Loše držanje spavanja je vodeći uzrok bola. Derila pomaže u smanjenju bolova u leđima i vratu, zajedno sa tenzijskom glavoboljom i bolom u ramenima, podržavajući kičmu tokom noći.

P: Imam lak san. Hoće li mi ovo pomoći da spavam čvršće?

A: Lagani san je često zbog nelagodnosti, stresa ili hrkanja. Derila može pomoći tako što vam daje udoban položaj za spavanje koji pomaže pri disanju i pomaže vam da zaspite dublje.

P: Da li je ovo dobro za putovanja?

A: Da! Derila je lagan i lak za transport i može se koristiti bilo gde – u avionima, hotelima ili čak u automobilu. Radi u bilo kom položaju spavanja.

P: Mislite li da bi ovo bio dobar poklon?

A: Da – mnogi kupci kupuju dodatne jastuke za svoje prijatelje i porodicu. To je odličan poklon za ljude koji rade dugo ili često putuju, ili za starije osobe koje pate od bolova u zglobovima i mišićima.